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Does anybody have any tool which is able to upgrade CE Odoo from v16 to v17?
According to some developers I talked to, most of the data is possible to be exported/imported to new system (even it will be half-manuall process where certain amount of incompatibility/troubleshooting is expected)
+ I have been told specifically WEBSITE is not possible to export/import to new system, because of whatever issues with attachments, Block IDs inside webpages etc....)
I believe somebody from this great Community must have done some tool allready to somehow automatic upgrade all the core modules INCLUDING WEBSITE module.
The "only solution for WEBSITE" as I have been told (to re-create hundreds of website articles/blog posts manually from scratch ) seems to me sci-fi these days.
Any help or pointing me in right direction is highly appreciated.
(I am talking about upgrading odoo core modules, not about third party modules)

Thank you in advance. Regards 


You can check openupgrade.
But i think odoo16 to 17 is not available,
if you have time you can wait for openupgrade17 and do the chnages

Author Best Answer

Hi, thanks, Openupgrade seems suitable for keeping all the data in single system, and upgrade it .... is there perhaps a way how not to transfer all existing "mess" to new version, but instead say "install new odoo version and in controlled way move ONLY specific data and modules which we know are OK....(Or what is the best way to purge old unused odoo data/modules to new system? ...during several years many modules could have been installed,. used, and after some time not used anymore, so uninstalled, but certain data could still stay in DB) My biggest Concern is about WEBSITE module, which I believe had in the past many errors, fixes, etc....and we will move the mess to new system, which is not very wise....
