Edit: Answered! Thanks!
I want to combine point of sale and inventory menu items into 1 custom module titled "storefront". Then disable the pos and inventory modules from the menu.
OpenHRMS 12.0 does this perfectly. They combined all HR modules into 1 module and the menu items of the regular modules are removed from the main menu. Its beautiful.
What i have - errors out when upgrading custom module - this should lead to the main pos dashboard:
<menuitem name="Dashboard" id="action_pos_dash_menu" parent="storefront_root_menu"
sequence="1" action="point_of_sale.menu_pos_dashboard" groups="base.group_user"/>
How i got this:
I just used the standard method of creating a menuitem however i went to settings > menu items > pos dashboard > view meta data to see get "point_of_sale.menu_pos_dashboard"