I really don't know how to search on google for this question. Is it possible to use fields from relation fields in the attrs "domains"?
I'm getting only Uncaught Error: Unknown field error.
I want to hide a group until a certain value is selected from a Many2One selection.
<group colspan="4" attrs="{'invisible': [('analysis_document_types_id.value', 'not in', ['xxx', 'yyy'])]}"> <group string="Contacts Projects" colspan="2"> <field name="project_ids" widget="many2many_checkboxes" nolabel="1"/> </group> </group>
what you want is : If your M2O field is empty, then Hide your field field_1 for ex. Right ?
Then what you need to do is :
<group colspan="4" attrs="{'invisible': [('M2O_field', '=', False)]}">....</group>
And if you want to hide it when your M2o field equals a specific value.
Then do this :
<group colspan="4"
attrs="{'invisible': [('M2O_field','in',[%(Module.record_Xml_id)d, %(Module.record_Xml_id)d])]}">....</group>
Hi Ibrahim, your probably works but I don't have time figuring it out and you didn't explain your attrs. So I rather tried Zbiks workaround with a related field.