Hey i need a little guidance about how to check the value of a radio button which is in a form in portal and i want the selected radio button to populate in the model while confirming.
Here is my code of passing rest of the data but m unable to pass the radio button. Got any idea?
_create_advance: function () {
return this._rpc({
model: 'hr.advance.salary',
method: 'create_advance_portal',
// var pay = document.getElementById('payment').checked;
// var result= pay.value;
// if (result === true) {
// console.log('Partially');
// new_result = $('.new_advance_form .partially').val();
// }
// else{
// new_result = $('.new_advance_form .fully').val();
// }
args: [{
request_amount: $('.new_advance_form .request_amount').val(),
// payment: new_result, This was my radio button
payment_start_date: $('.new_advance_form .payment_start_date').val(),
reason: $('.new_advance_form .reason').val(),