Hello, my question is : How to change the word "Invoice" to "Note" in Odoo 15
Example: Invoice INV/2020/07/0003 -> Note INV/2020/07/0003
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Hello, my question is : How to change the word "Invoice" to "Note" in Odoo 15
Example: Invoice INV/2020/07/0003 -> Note INV/2020/07/0003
And thank you.
Please refer the below code if you want to change the word 'Invoice' to 'Note' on the invoice report .
<template id="report_invoice_document_extend" inherit_id="account.report_invoice_document">
<xpath expr="//div[1]/h2/span[1]" position="replace">
<span t-if="o.move_type == 'out_invoice' and o.state == 'posted'">Note</span>
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