I have created a selection field in lines model sample code below:
class model1 (model.Model)
-name = "model1.model1"
selection_field = fields.Selection ( string = "Select Reason" ,
selection = [( 'returned' , 'Returned' ) , ( 'damage' , 'Damaged' ) , ( 'stolen' , 'Stolen' ) , ( 'broken' , 'Broken' ) , ] , required = True , store = True )
Then created another model
class InventoryProductStock (models.Model):
_inherit = "product.template"balance_stock = fields.Float ( 'Balance Stock' , digits = ( 12 , 2 ) , store = True , compute = '_amount_quantity' )
I want to affect that balance stock according to what is selected in model1 if is returned then I will increase the stock if is stolen then I will reduce the stock.