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4 Replies

Hi, I changed the admin username in the settings of OpenERP 7.0 and now when I log in I have minimal rights in the settings screen and cannot undo my changes.

Does anyone know how I can reset the admin user?

Thanks in advance!


Best Answer

Hi Mr. Nathan ,

did you change login field value , plz be that "admin"

it might be used in domin (for security) for various model (object)

just change value of User field

then there will no be any effect for access


Yes, I changed the login field value in the user settings. How can I change the value of the "User field", where can I find this?

just let it be same (admin) just change the user field value for display purpose, "admin" might be used in access right rule , that why you can't see all the accessibility


problem is that I can't change any user settings anymore........

you can change,, just change name according to you , don't change login


that's my problem, I can't change any user settings anymore, the "users" menu has disappeared since changing the username.

Best Answer

Hi Nathan,

Were you able to find a solutions to your problem, I have a same problem

Best Answer

I suspect your only hope is to edit the database. :-(

Although it answers a different question, you might learn how you can do that from this post :

Your problem, I think, is that the label admin has special significance in OpenERP, just like root has special significance in Unix systems. If you want to always use a different UID, (as is considered best practice in most operating systems), you need to create a new user for that, and give as many privileges as possible to that user.

Even then, that user may have some limitations.


thanks, I've edited res_users in the database and changed user with ID "1" back to "admin", unfortunately after logging in I still can't see all the menu's in "Settings". Do I need to change anything else?

Best Answer
  1. Log into your PostgresSQL database
  2. Run this to find the User ID of your admin user: select id,login from res_users;
  3. Run this to give you access back to the settings: Insert into res_groups_users_rel values (the_id_found_in_step_2, 2);

Hope it helps.

