We don't provide quotations, we use estimates. How would I go about changing this on the quotation document as well as in the system as a whole.
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We don't provide quotations, we use estimates. How would I go about changing this on the quotation document as well as in the system as a whole.
Thanks! Just one more question, which modules would contain the references to quotations that are in the system, and which ones would contain the references to quotations in the generated documents?
I'm assuming you mean the word "quotation". Both - what you see on the screen and what's in the outputs ,- will be within the same module most of the time. Hope my assumption about what you meant is not off.
The fastest way to make a system wide change would be to use the Translations feature like so even though technically it is the same language. Essentially you will replace "quotation" with "estimate" in all the labels/messages in the system.
Activate developer mode by going to Settings scrolling all the way down and clicking on Activate the developer mode.
Go to Settings > Translations > Export Translations and export the records for the language and modules that you need to make the changes for. This will create a csv file with all the labels in the system which can be downloaded.
Edit the csv file using Excel and replace the word "quotation" with "estimate" in the value column.
Import the updated csv file by going to Settings > Translations > Import Translations.
Restart the Odoo server.
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