It seems easy, but still I do not succeed in changing the company logo size on invoices.
I can make changes in invoice presentation but the Top part is obviously an other document and I do not find it
Thanks for your help
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It seems easy, but still I do not succeed in changing the company logo size on invoices.
I can make changes in invoice presentation but the Top part is obviously an other document and I do not find it
Thanks for your help
The best solution for this its to change and replace the height and width attribute for the img tag on the header on the xml template of the report, like this:
<div class="header">
<img ct-if="res_company.logo" width="150" height="126" t-att-src="'data:image/png;base64,%s' %res_company.logo" class="pull-left img-responsive"/>
I made some progress, the solution is in modification of the external_layout.header. Just need to change the max-height from the original 90px to the size you want
But it creates a problem with printing invoice, the account.invoice_form has probably a knowned reseverd space for header,.. but up to now I haver not been able to find how to change it...
If someone has a solution I would be gratefull
Here is the solution to this and it does not need to change the code.
What you need is to have the company avatar to be 1024px wide at 300 dpi and in png format. That will increase the size on the invoice. You can preview it from users&companies>companies>print>preview external report
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