Hello all,
I have a very specific and simple need: I want to allow the user to change a kanban column's background color, in the kanban view.
I can do this by directly overriding the QWeb KanbanView.Group template and setting a background color using style, like this:
<t t-extend="KanbanView.Group">
<t t-jquery="div:first-child">
this.attr("t-attf-style", "background-color: red");
I can also do this by changing the attributes of the first DIV of that template like this:
<t t-extend="KanbanView.Group">
<t t-jquery="div:first-child" t-operation="attributes">
<attribute name="style">background-color: red</attribute>
And then adding this file in the __manifest__.py file:
'qweb': ['static/src/xml/kanban.xml'],
How can I access this field's value in the QWeb template, instead of "red" in the examples above?
I have added a Char field called Kanban Color (field name "color") to the stage model like this:
If I do this:
or this:
It doesn't work. It doesn't print anything. I have also tried with record. instead of widget. ...
How should I do it?