After a new user adds some product on the shoping cart, it been asked to fill the form.
I whant to change or eliminate fields "company"(compañia) and "Country" (pais) or make it a default value. And whant to make some fields like "phone"(telefono) optionals.
This forms only shows up with new users, so I cant figure out where or how to edit it ,because I cant use developmente mode.
I was looking around but couldnt find the structure of the forms use on the standart web .
where is this form ?? which is the best and sugest options to edit ? (not asking for new fields )
Images upload of what I view and whant to change. :
Thanks and regards
Hi Julian,
have you found a solution for this problem?
Best regards
You should have the basic knowledge about inheriting and modifying QWeb views, please refer the the developer documentation.