I try to change the font in the header/footer with a custom one. so i copied my linotype.ttf font to: /usr/share/fonts/truetype/linotype/linotype.ttf
then i run "fc-cache -fv" and "fc-cache -f -v"
After that i edited the /opt/openerp/server/openerp/report/render/rml2pdf/customfonts.py and added ('linotype','linotype','linotype.ttf','all') at the CustomTTFonts list.
Nothing... still same old font.
Then i tried an other font listed in /opt/openerp/server/openerp/report/render/rml2pdf/customfonts.py. didn't work either... wierd.
any ideas?
code looks terrible here.... RML Header in comment.
Text of RML header here: http://tny.cz/961c9273
I had a similar problem. For reasons I did not further investigate, there were a few other versions of customfonts.py in different locations on my system. Maybe something went wrong during the installation. It seems like openERP uses one of them instead.
Try searching your system for other versions of the file, edit them and see if it changes anything. I had to restart the server process between trials to see change.