I'm trying to replace driver_id related to res.partner in a driver_id field related to hr.employee using :
driver_id = fields.Many2one('hr.employee', string="Driver", store=True, ondelete="cascade")
The problem is when I do this i receive the KeyError: plan_to_change_car
This happens because plan_to_change_car is related to driver_id. How can I do? If I create a new field driver_id and I disabled the driver_id related to res.partner I received the same KeyError.
I tried also to write in hr.employee this field
driver_ids= fields.One2many('fleet.vehicle', 'employee_id', string='Driver')
But nothing.
Thank you in advance
Why don't you just define a partner for this or other employee?
Sorry I don't understand. What do you mean?
I want to create drivers for trucks, so the drivers are employee of the company...
For each employe fill field: Contact Information/Address
Mofifications in the python code will not be needed
Still not understanding what do you mean?
The drivers are employee and ... partners ... of the company