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I am under the CE version of odoo 11 and I want to upgrade to version 12. I'm under a docker environment and I use pgadmin 10. I would like to point out that I am far from being an expert, I have only known odoo for a short time. Some things I do may be absurd, have some compassion for an odoo beginner who has to do his migration o:)

To carry out this migration I followed the instructions of Odoo Tools in this issue:
Before creating a copy of my production database and migrating it, I created a test database with the demo data and only the CRM module installed.

It is currently not possible to use the script to perform the migration, so it must be done "manually". To do this, you must run odoo with the openupgrade code (which is a duplicate of odoo with integrated migration scripts) and when the migration is performed, restart the migrated database with an odoo 12.
Am I all right so far?

Here are the operations I perform:
- I connect to the docker container
# docker exec -ti -u0[id] bash
- I modify the parameters of my odoo.conf (/etc/odoo/odoo/odoo.conf)
db_host = db
db_port = 5432
db_user = odoo
db_password = ****

- I install on my container (/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages) the openupgrade directory (
# git clone

- I copy the content of OpenUpgrade/odoo/ into the odoo code (in order to be able to use the openupgrade code to launch my odoo) 

odoo is installed from docker and the directories are scattered all over the server. Here I (it seems to me) identified the modified files in openupgrade compared to odoo and imported the files to the right places :
# cp -r OpenUpgrade/odoo/* odoo/
# cp -r OpenUpgrade/odoo/addons/* odoo/addons/

- I install openupgrade from git (to get the latest version)
# apt-get install git
# pip3 install git+

- I go to my browser and try to launch odoo. I select my database version 11. Several errors appeared, I managed to fix them.
There is still a mistake that bothers me:
AttributeError: "" object has no attribute "parent_path

This error is run from a python script of odoo (not openupgrade) at this location:

the attribute "parent_path" is present in the table "ir_ui_menu" of an odoo V12 database but not in an odoo V11 database. I can still use my test database with version 11 but not with version 12, so it seems clear to me that the migration didn't work, I have to do something wrong but what? Can someone point me in the right direction or point out my mistake in this process?​

Thank you for the time you will take to answer me, once this migration is completed I will make sure to describe as precisely as possible all the operations performed so that it can help another person.



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