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Greetings. I have a question about the manufacturing module.

Say a Manufacturing Order is created for a product. We then click the "Check Availability" button to see if we have the required subassemblies to produce the product. If any of the subassemblies are red, we cannot produce the requested amount of product.

Can Odoo automatically issue new Work Orders to have the out-of-stock subassemblies created?

This could (and hopefully would) result in a cascading effect of issuing all of the Work Orders required to complete the initial Manufacturing Order.

Is this possible? Is this advisable?

(Note: nearly all of our products are created from subassemblies of subassemblies of subassemblies, etc. We start with raw materials and go through many processes to end at a final product.)

Thank you for any insight.

Best Answer

Just to add some more details to the answer from Ray.

You have two options: Create Reordering rules for all your components. (Set min qty =0,if you don't want stock.) Run the scheduler. Manually from Inventory - operations. By default I think it is set to run once a day. Check Schedule Actions. It will create your orders. 

Second option is to set all components with Make To Order route. All orders will be directly created. But be careful with MTO. It can also create a logistic mess.


This is great information. I will test both options. I can see how MTO could be a hassle if it creates dozens of Manufacturing Orders for the same component that might be used in several BoMs. Much appreciated!

When will you come work for us Lars?

Sorry, Ray.
I don't have the capacity to work with Odoo S.A.

Btw: The way Kadee organize manufacturing is called Multi level manufacturing. Where you have separate manufacturing orders for each components and operation. Recommended structure if you do have physical stock on the shop floor, between operations.
In opposite to Single level Manufacturing, where you have all operations in one single manufacturing order.
And of course, you might have a combination of the two.

And another remark: I have criticize very much MTO process. But now I see that Odoo have made changes to MTO flows, that reduce the constrainst an trouble that can happen in logistics. The trick is: It is possible to have free stock available and use, even if the product is set to MTO.

Best Answer

A Manufacturing Order contains a BoM, if one of the line items is a product that itself has a BoM, then this is exactly how Odoo will process the first order.

"CAR" kicks off MO's for "engine", "chassis" and "transmission".

Each of these can also kick off smaller sub-assemblies.

We not only recommend this but most of our Manufacturing customers model things this way since that's how they also think of and organize things.


Thank you for this information. I really appreciate the helpful advice.

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