Hi everyone,
I have a bug on Enterprise version V13. I am using a Debian server with the Official Docker container.
At the first time on my instance I have only one company at the start.
I subsequently added two other companies.
Company A had red color reports on external_layout_standard.
When I created the other two companies I changed the colors of the layouts.
But Odoo does not take the new colors for the two new companies.
When I edit PDF quotes for companies B and C, the colors of company A come out.
So I tried to put the color black on company A but when I edit PDF reports with companies A, B and C, the old colors of company A stand out.
Seeing this, I tried to make a modification directly in the report_saleorder_document qweb
by modifying <strong> Order Date: </strong> in <strong> Order ... Date: </strong> and same problem the modifications do not change anything on the PDF report.
Do you have any idea on the source of the problem?
Server side? Odoo side?
Thank you very much in advance.