I'm trying to create new product templates, and add their relation to the many2many table associated with.
I followed the api and the documentation, and formatted my tuple like this :
["classification_ids": (6, 0, [ids])]
The "ids" are already known in the table "product_classification", and I used the "create" method, to create my new product template
But it didn't worked : it created my product template, but didn't created the associated relationship in the table "product_classification_product_template_rel
I also tried to do it the other way : update the product_classification with the associated product_template id, using this time the "write" method to update the product_classification.
I once again followed the api and the documentation and formatted my tuple like this :
["product_tmpl_ids": (4, id, 0)]
But that didn't worked either.
I'm using java 8 for my code, and JsonRPC to communicate with odoo 11
Any idea why that didn't work ?