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2 Replies

I was able to send email from our email server without any problems. But after activating "Manage mass mailing campaigns" our company mail server does not work for outgoing emails from Odoo v8 running on Windows Server 2008 R2 .

I tried all possible combinations of ports and connection security settings, but nothing works. (Yet when i test connection in outgoing server settings, "Everything seems properly set up!")

Only server which is working for sending emails with mass-mailing installed is gmail server (which we don't want to use, naturally).

When I try to send email from odoo without mass mailing module, our server still works ok.

Our email server is using default ISP config settings for debian 7.

Thanks for any help

Best Answer

Hello Simon,

When you mass mailing...

you should configure outgoing mail server

you sholud write correct email id in contacts menu.

now when you press Send to All button from mass mailing form view.

that time all email came in Settings>Technical>Email>Emails

here you see by default outgoing filter which indicate that all email will be send.

now that all email will be send using scheduler call.

you can see that scheduler

Settings>Technical>Automation>Scheduled Actions>

see the name is Email Queue Manager this scheduler call. so here you can change interval units and also change next execution date value.

if you find this answer helpful, please give me a thumbs up vote


Ankit H Gandhi

Author Best Answer

Hello Ankit, 

I appreciate your answer, but I already checked all these points, please see my description at first post. 

When i use mass mailing, in Settings>Technical>Email>Emails each mail ends with "Delivery failed", without mass mailing everything was ok. 
