I need some debugging help.
First the problem: When validating invoices in accounting odoo should create an move record for the journal corresponding to my invoice. This is not happening at the moment. I tracked it down to the exact line in account_invoice.py (around line 880 in method "action_move_create(self)")
move = account_move.with_context(ctx_nolang).create(move_vals)For a short recap: account_move equals the environment of account_move and should create a move record in the corresponding postgres table.
ctx_lang and move_vals are composed correctly. It's just that the line from above is faulty. Everything after this line doesn't get executed at all.(Strangely enough...)
As Odoo/Python does not throw any error messages I feel like it's an postgres error. But I'm all out good Ideas for debugging this.
Additional Infos: Probably important is that I copied the database prior from psql to have a backup of said database. What could have gone wrong there? Maybe somebody has an idea.
Vg Chris