I've made a bunch of customizations with Odoo Studio. Odoo Studio gives a great way to Export the customizations as a .zip file and then Import them to another installation. This works fine.
I'd like to keep as much of the customizations under version control and therefore I was wondering whether I could Export the customization file, extract the files to some folder in my source tree and then push them to version control. As I'm also having my Production environment in Odoo.sh, this would allow pushing modifications to Production environment in a controlled way.
I've tried several different paths, like src/odoo/studio_customizations. When Odoo.sh is running tests, I can see that customizations are recognized but it seems that not all models are loaded. Usually I end up with failures like certain model or field is not defined.
As soon as I Import the exactly same .zip file directly over Studio UI, everything works great.
So - what is the correct way (or is it even supported) to have Studio-based customizations in version control & push them to production?