Version: Odoov12 on a test server.
I got the following error when I loaded the shop (product pages work fine):
maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/odoo-test-12/odoo-server/odoo/addons/base/models/", line 346, in _compiled_fn return compiled(self, append, new, options, log) File "<template>", line 1, in template_website_sale_search_5986 File "/opt/odoo-test-12/odoo-server/addons/website/controllers/", line 43, in __call__ path_args = OrderedSet(path_args or []) | self.path_args File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 424, in __or__ if not isinstance(other, Iterable): File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 182, in __instancecheck__ if subclass in cls._abc_cache: File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 75, in __contains__ return wr in RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison Error to render compiling AST RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison Template: Path: /templates/t/form Node: <form t-att-action="keep('/shop'+ ('/category/'+slug(category)) if category else None, search=0)" method="get" t-att-class="_classes"> <t t-if="attrib_values"> <t t-foreach="attrib_values" t-as="a"> <input type="hidden" name="attrib" t-att-value="'%s-%s' % (a[0], a[1])" data-oe-field="arch" data-oe-xpath="/t[1]/form[1]/t[1]/t[1]/input[1]" data-oe-model="ir.ui.view" data-oe-id="932"/> </t> </t> <t t-call="website.website_search_box"/> </form>
The error occured while rendering the template and evaluating the following expression: <form t-att-action="keep('/shop'+ ('/category/'+slug(category)) if category else None, search=0)" method="get" t-att-class="_classes"> <t t-if="attrib_values"> <t t-foreach="attrib_values" t-as="a"> <input type="hidden" name="attrib" t-att-value="'%s-%s' % (a[0], a[1])" data-oe-field="arch" data-oe-xpath="/t[1]/form[1]/t[1]/t[1]/input[1]" data-oe-model="ir.ui.view" data-oe-id="932"/> </t> </t> <t t-call="website.website_search_box"/> </form>
File "/opt/odoo-test-12/odoo-server/odoo/addons/base/models/", line 346, in _compiled_fn return compiled(self, append, new, options, log) File "<template>", line 1, in template_website_sale_sort_6097 File "<template>", line 2, in body_call_content_6096 File "/opt/odoo-test-12/odoo-server/odoo/addons/base/models/", line 348, in _compiled_fn raise e
The above keeps repeats in the Traceback around 200-300 times.
Factory resetting 'website.sale_search' (as the error page suggested) didn't help.
Any and all help is much appreciated!