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Can I have a calendar event that includes a customer without sending a notification to the customer?

I want to have a calendar of installations where the installation is linked to the customer record, but the customers never receive an email invitation — it is an internal record.

Best Answer

You can add "no_mail_to_attendees" in context ! 

Or if you want never send notification : add ir_config_parameter "calendar.block_mail" 


Thank you Jérémy! Can I specify ir_config_parameter "calendar.block_mail" only for that particular calendar, not for all calendars?

No ;(
I'm speaking about calendar évent and not calendar view ...
About which mail are You speaking ?

An event invitation email. I want to block these for all customers whenever they are mentioned on a particular calendar, but I would still like our employees to receive an email.

You can maybe do it in an extra module which overwrite _send_mail_to_attendees ...

Hello, I am searching for this answer for some time already. Thanks for this in advance. My problem at the moment is that I do not really know how to set neither context variables nor the ir.config_parameters. I found the position where these values are accessed in the source code (see. addons/calendar/, but I don't think I should change the source code. Can you please tell me, where to set context parameters like the "no_mail_to_adttendees" globally, so after a possible update the settings are not lost. Is there a global file? Thanks once more

Hi Dominik, The simple way if you want never send email to the attendees, the simple way is "add the ir.config.parameter key". It will be not lost during update because it is a key in database ! You need to be logged with technical feature. In Settings > Technical > Parameters > System Parameters, create a new line with "calendar.block_mail" as key, and what you want as value...

Can it be, we are talking from different versions of odoo. In odoo 9 I could do it like this, sadly a lot of functionality was still "not working properly", so I switched back to odoo 8. And here I do not find the path you proposed. Already the section "Technical" does not exist, thus neither Parameters and System Parameters. Do you maybe also have a solution for odoo 8. That would be really great.

Stupid me. Now I got it, I did not have the option "Technical features" checked. Thanks a lot for the answer.

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