I have python code which I update one2many field lines. Issue is one field is not updating at first employee change. I need to save, then edit and choose employee again. Then calculation works. Problematic field is project_split. My code is as below:
class hr_payslip_projects(models.Model):
_name = 'hr.payslip.projects'
_description = 'to see total hours per project on hr.payslip module'
name = fields.Char(string="Description")
project_id = fields.Many2one('project.project')
project_hours = fields.Float(string="Total hours")
overtime_hours = fields.Float(string="Overtime hours")
project_split = fields.Float(string="Project split")
slip_id = fields.Many2one('hr.payslip')
class hr_payslip(models.Model):
_inherit = 'hr.payslip'
all_project_hours = fields.One2many('hr.payslip.projects', 'slip_id', "Project Hours")
def _calculate_project_hours(self):
all_project_hours = []
value = {}
projects = self.env['project.project'].search([])
for project in projects:
domain = [('employee_id', '=', self.employee_id.name), ('date', '>=', self.date_from),
('date', '<=', self.date_to),
('validated', '=', True), ('is_bonus_eligible', '=', True), ('project_id', '=', project.name)]
domain_ot = [('employee_id', '=', self.employee_id.name), ('date', '>=', self.date_from),
('date', '<=', self.date_to),
('validated', '=', True), ('is_bonus_eligible', '=', True), ('project_id', '=', project.name),
('task_id', '=', 'Overtime')]
all_timesheets = self.env["account.analytic.line"].search(domain)
ot_timesheets = self.env["account.analytic.line"].search(domain_ot)
sum_all = 0.0
sum_ot = 0.0
for unit in all_timesheets:
sum_all += unit.unit_amount
split = 0.0
if self.total_project_hours > float(0):
split = sum_all / self.total_project_hours * 100
for ot in ot_timesheets:
sum_ot += ot.unit_amount
(0, 0, {'project_hours': sum_all, 'overtime_hours': sum_ot, 'project_id': project.id, 'project_split': split}))
return {'value': value}
Any help would be appreciated
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