I'm looking for modules that would allow me to "buy" and "sell" domain names (e.g.: johndoe.com). The specificity are the following :
I have a maximum of 1 supplier for 1 domain name extension (.com, .fr, etc.)
I can have 1 supplier for several domain name extensions, offering a different price for each extension.
I have to manage a credit (in euros) payed by advance to each supplier
I don't realy "buy" a domain name, I register it for 1 or more years for one of my client (I never "own" the domain name)
I don't realy "sell" a domain name, I register it for 1 or more years for one of my client (I never "own" the domain name)
In conseqence I have to manage quantities of domain names and duration of registering
My question is: How would you handle the accounting of this activity with Odoo ?