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i would like to create a calculator operation on odoo using buttons.. but i like to use third field to show the computed values of two other fields.. whenever i hit the button with operations like Addition,division,multipulication etc.. the third field should show the result of the resulting button operation.


Hi Anil Kesariya, Thanks for your code it helped me a lot for beginning with the button operations

Best Answer


Here you go!

define realted methods in class which has been called from button as name value.

#your py field code

from openerp import models, fields, api

class your_class(models.Model)

    _name= 'your.model'

    f1 = fields.Integer("Field1")

    f2 = fields.Integer("Field2")

    result = fields.Iteger("Result")

#method defination those will trigger from button.

    def add(self):

        self.result = self.f1 + self.f2

        return True

    def mul(self):

        self.result = self.f1  *  self.f2

        return True

    def div(self):

        self.result = self.f1 / self.f2

        return True


<!-- inside xml file. 

Here in xml field you will define button with type="object" and specific button call the related method from the class which is assigned as name in button.




    <button name="add" string="Addition" type="object"/>

    <button name="mul" string="Multiplication" type="object"/>

    <button name="div" string="Division" type="object"/>


<field name="f1"/>

<field name="f2"/>

<field name="result"/>



Hope this will work for you.


