I am trying to use action button but m unable to make it perform any action. My button and new form is in the same module .Please help
< button name = "% (Sale_inherit.manufacturing_form_view) d" type = "action" string = "Manufacturing Details" class = "oe_highlight oe_inline" />
This is for form and also py code
class ManufactureForm (models.Model):
_name = 'manufacturing_form'
manu_det = fields.Char ( string = 'Manufacturing details' ) soal = fields.Integer ( string = "sole" ) partner_id = fields.Many2one ( 'res.partner' , string = 'Customer' ) product_id = fields.Many2one ( 'product.product' , string = 'Product' )
< record id = "manufacturing_form_view" model = "ir.ui.view" >
< field name = "name" > Manufacturing Form View </ field >
< field name = "model" > manufacturing_form </ field >
< field name = " arch " type = " xml " >
< form >
< sheet >
< group >
< group >
<field name = "product_id"/>
< field name = "partner_id" />
</ group >
</ group >
</ sheet >
</ form >
</ field >
</ record >
< record model = "ir.actions.act_window" id = " manufacturing_form_action " >
< field name = " name " > Manufacturing Form View </ field >
< field name = " res_model "> manufacturing_form </field >
< field name = "view_type" > form </ field >
< field name = "view_mode" > tree, form </ field >
</ record >
< menu item id = "shoe_manager" name = "Shoe Manager" />
< menuitem id = "manufacturing_main_menu" name = "manufacturing_form" parent = "shoe_manager" sequence = "3"action = "manufacturing_formcore" />