Using Odoo 10 Community
The Unsubscribe link built automatically using Mass Mail takes a subscriber to a page in Odoo that allows them to manage their subscriptions. This is working well.
I wish to add a link to this page in the Customer Portal so from inside "My Account" a customer can manage their subscriptions without having the click the unsubscribe in their emails necessarily.
Unless I've missed it, their doesn't seem to be a snippet available to perform this function. Therefore, I seeking to build the link myself by editing the My Portal view. (If I'm mistaken, please enlighten me)
The format I've established is <>/mail/mailing/22/unsubscribe?res_id=<ID>&db=<DBNAME>&email=<EMAIL Address>
The My Portal view already seems to select the partner object. <t t-set="object" t-value="partner"/>
Can anyone provide the syntax to build a URL link using the database elements partner ID/email. The DBNAME I can hard code in this instance. Any help would be much appreciated.