Dear All,
Im now integrationg buckaroo ( in Odoo 10.0-20170216 (Community Edition). As there are only two settings in the buckaroo plugin (websitekey and secretkey) they are corresponding to values in the payment plaza. But due to testing we receive this error in Odoo (of course we are testing with testing visa numbers from bukacroo)
2017-02-18 00:12:40,179 15280 INFO staging_wo_data odoo.addons.payment_buckaroo.controllers.main: Buckaroo: entering form_feedback with post data {'ADD_RETURNDATA': u'/shop/payment/validate', 'BRQ_AMOUNT': u'0.50', 'BRQ_CURRENCY': u'EUR', 'BRQ_CUSTOMER_NAME': u'Hannes Michel', 'BRQ_INVOICENUMBER': u'SO034-23', 'BRQ_ISSUING_COUNTRY': u'IE', 'BRQ_PAYER_HASH': u'ba96f89bbf349d25b265a09deb5b450dae778302db637438c7fbda83814bf31432993065e472bdb66d0f5ce8407038a8b5d9c97c79a381d155dd54976eea62a3', 'BRQ_PAYMENT': u'9225E800E3B3496890E0E2345BA60BA8', 'BRQ_PAYMENT_METHOD': u'visa', 'BRQ_SERVICE_VISA_CARDEXPIRATIONDATE': u'2020-05', 'BRQ_SERVICE_VISA_CARDNUMBERENDING': u'0969', 'BRQ_SERVICE_VISA_ENROLLED': u'U', 'BRQ_SERVICE_VISA_MASKEDCREDITCARDNUMBER': u'491611******0969', 'BRQ_SIGNATURE': u'4b0b98c3c50bffe8ba67ff51ab9ff832645fcc8f', 'BRQ_STATUSCODE': u'490', 'BRQ_STATUSCODE_DETAIL': u'S994', 'BRQ_STATUSMESSAGE': u'An error occurred while processing the transaction through Payon (PayOnProcessorProcessing).', 'BRQ_TEST': u'true', 'BRQ_TIMESTAMP': u'2017-02-18 01:12:39', 'BRQ_TRANSACTIONS': u'CC86A51CB16C463F9E27FD2D9EF83CFA', 'BRQ_WEBSITEKEY': u'b1PCHjfsIH'}2017-02-18 00:12:40,187 15280 INFO staging_wo_data odoo.addons.payment_buckaroo.models.payment: Buckaroo: feedback error2017-02-18 00:12:40,190 15280 INFO staging_wo_data odoo.addons.website_portal_sale.models.payment: <buckaroo> transaction processed: tx ref:SO034-23, tx amount: 0.5
After providing (test) visa number, buckaroo forwards me to https://staging.myshoop.bla/shop/confirmation with the message
Error, Please be aware that an error occurred during the transaction. The order has been confirmed but will not be paid. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions on the status of your order.
The shopping cart still contain my product and the payment is not confirmed
Can somebody give me a hint to the reason of this failure ?