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2 Replies

Hi, I have a model with a json field. I am trying to create a view for that model.
Approach 1: I want to parse the json field and then show that in UI. but I did not know how to achieve that.

Approach 2: Then I started with simply showing the json on UI. but it straight away gave an error.

my view is

<record id="view_farmpoint_tree" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">fnf_geo.farmpoint.tree</field>
<field name="model">farmpoint</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<tree string="Farm points">
<field name="coordinates"/>
<field name="is_success"/>
<field name="partner_id"/>

my model is

class FarmPoint(models.Model):
_name = "farmpoint"
_description = "Stores coordinates of farms"

coordinates = fnf_fields.JSONB(string="Coordinates", required=True)
is_success = fields.Boolean(string="Successful data collection",
required=True, default=True)
partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string='Partner ID',
required=True, ondelete='restrict')

I was able to figure out that odoo does not support json as field, we have added custom field in odoo, and that's why it is not working.

I want to make it work as Approach 1, but any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

Hi Pawan,

Why don't you just go with a plain text field (fields.Text) in which you store the JSON preformatted?
I assume that you get the JSON data from an API call so you can then format it with some Python code:

json.dumps(your_json_string, indent=4, sort_keys=True)

This will format and indent the JSON which you can then simply show in the views.



Thanks for the answer @yenthe, that is how I solved it later.

This can work but is there a way to make use of the Postgres JSON field type which is very powerful in queries on JSON attributes and fields (not like a simple text column) ?

@Razvan it is possible but then you'd need to introduce a new field type into the core of Odoo as Odoo native doesn't support it.

Best Answer

I also needed a json computed field on one of the models (a dict with some strings).

Creating a custom field type that can map to the json type in PostgreSQL is just the first step.

from odoo.fields import Field

import psycopg2

class JsonField(Field):


Represents a postgresql Json column (JSON values are mapped to the Python equivalent type of list/dict).


type = 'json' # Odoo type of the field (string)

column_type = ('json', 'json') # database column type (ident, spec)

def convert_to_column(self, value, record, values=None, validate=True):

""" Convert ``value`` from the ``write`` format to the SQL format. """

# By default the psycopg2 driver does not know how to map dict/list to postgresql json types

# We need to convert it to the right db type when inserting in the db

if value is None:

return None


return \psycopg2\.extras\.Json\(value\)\\
Using\ it\ in\ the\ model\ is\ also\ easy\:\
from\ odoo\ import\ models\,\ fields\,\ api\
from\ json_field\ import\ JsonField\
class\ Person\(models\.Model\)\:\
\ \ \ \ _name\ \=\ \'example\.person\'\
\ \ \ \ _description\ \=\ \'Person\ with\ json\ details\'\
\ \ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ details\ \=\ JsonField\(\)\ \#\ a\ json\ object\ represented\ as\ dict\ \/\ list\ \/\ python\ primitives\
The\ hard\ part\ was\ getting\ the\ ui\ to\ recognize\ the\ field\ type\ to\ show\ and\ edit\ it\.\
I\ added\ all\ \ the\ code\ in\ this\ \ gist\ \ because\ \ it\'s\ \ a\ \ bit\ \ too\ \ long\ to\ write\ \ here\ \:\ \ \

Note: There might be things I missed, I only needed it in a custom Kanban card (but the list view and edit seem to work fine).

It works ok as a computed field as well (or a normal field stored in db)


Thank you very much for sharing this code! Would you like to publish it as an Odoo module in one of the repositories of ?

Hi Henrik,
I'm glad this helped (sorry for the bad formatting, I haven't figured out yet how to paste code on this forum).
Unfortunately at the moment I don't have any time to make a PR and properly test this code.
Feel free to copy the code and make a PR yourself :)