I'm trying to re-render a template after something has changed on a QWeb webpage (onchange
event on an element) with a set of new data. I'm used to working with
JS frameworks like Vue and I have a problem with updating values on the
QWeb webpage.
I don't see clear expalanation how to do this in the docs and while searching the internet and the source code I saw many different anwsers presumably for different Odoo versions. But both do not work.
I saw 2 main ways of doing this:
- inside Python controller
- inside JavaScript widget
And inside Python controller I saw different syntaxes and I'm not sure when to use what. For example:
# First method
@http.route('/test', type='json' auth='user', website=True)
def object(self, **kw):
return http.request.render('template.name', {
'value': kw.get('value', 0),
# Second method
@http.route('/test', type='json' auth='user', website=True)
def object(self, **kw):
return request.env['ir.ui.view'].render_template('template.name', {
'value': kw.get('value', 0),
Is there any difference between them? Also for some reason it does
not render anything while calling it from JavaScript and using type='json'
. It only renders when I use type='http'
and go there directly from the browser - and I need a JS event to cause re-rendering.
I also saw that it is possible to render template from JavaScript like this:
_onChange: function () {
console.log("something changed!");
return this._rpc({
route: '/test',
params: {
value: 1,
}).then(function (data) {
this.$el.html(QWeb.render('template.name', {
value: data.value
But for some reason I get error Template 'template.name' not found
I'm pretty stuck at this point and don't know what to do next. I can send data to and from controller. But I have no idea how to update variables on the QWeb. Please help.
after extending the function add this in js.
xmlDependencies: ['/website_scanner/static/src/xml/inmate_listing.xml'],
This solved my issue