Hi, there,
what you said involves 2 questions:
1. how do you choose the IDE?
I think Any IDE is ok, depending on which is familiar to you. vs code is another option too.
2. Can I use docker to deploy the odoo system?
absolutely, the Docker version is offered by the official and you can download the nightly docker file and build it to run the env.
Considering your requirement, I think the vs code is more suitable for you because this IDC has a lot of plugins and docker is included.
more details the attached.
I hope it is useful for you.
Best wishes.
### 1.Install git and docker(CentOS)
yum install git
yum install docker
systemctl restart docker
### 2.Create odoo and postgres software directory
mkdir -p /root/odoo-dev/odoo15
### 3.Get postgres latest version and build the image
cd /root/odoo-dev/odoo15
git clone https://github.com/docker-library/postgres.git
cd /root/odoo-dev/odoo15/postgres/14/bullseye
docker build -t postgres:14 .
### 4.Get odoo latest version and build the image
cd /root/odoo-dev/odoo15
git clone https://github.com/odoo/docker.git
cd /root/odoo-dev/odoo15/docker/15.0
docker build -t odoo15 .
### 5.Run the postgres server and expose the dblink db to be connected
docker run -d -e POSTGRES_USER=odoo -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=odoo -e POSTGRES_DB=postgres --name db postgres:14
### 6.Run the Odoo server with the dblink db and expose the network port to the host
docker run -p 8079:8069 --name odoo --link db:db -t odoo15:latest
### 7.Open the browser to initial the database.