I need to create a smart-button with changes the state of the calendar.event and the background of the button changes depending on that state..
i've tried something like:
def _get_show_as_color(self):
if 'show_as' == 'free':
self.show_as_color = '#d7f1dc'
elif 'show_as' == 'busy':
self.show_as_color = '#f7b5b5'
elif 'show_as' == 'confirmed':
self.show_as_color = '#90f9c3'
elif 'show_as' == 'cancelled':
self.show_as_color = '#f57e7e'
show_as_color = fields.Char('Color Index', compute="_get_show_as_color")
and in xml:
<button class="oe_stat_button" type="action"
name="%(action_change_appointment_state)d" icon="fa-dot-circle-o"
<div class="o_stat_info">
<span class="o_stat_text">Change State</span>
But this doens't work.. I dont' know if it's doable! Can anyone help me?
specified odoo version, please
hi, have you found any solution for this?