How do I automatically retrieve the data from a field which is already stored in the database so that it can be used the autofill another many2one field which is new ? for example
I have a course_id field which already has Its Stored data in the database
course_id = fields.Many2one ('op.course', 'Course')
Then i created another new program_id field inside the same class
program_id = fields.Many2one ('op.program', 'Program', domain = "[('course_id', '=', course_id)]")
When i tried the onchange method, it works perfectly
@ api.onchange ('course_id')
def onchange_course (self):
prog_id = false
if self.course_id and self.course_id.program_id:
prog_id =
self.program_id = prog_id
But now i want program_id field to be updated automatically in the tree and form view by using the course ids which are already stored. Am using Odoo version 12