Hello dears,
I am fairly new to automatic actions or scheduled actions.
I want to move automatically tasks in stage "Refused" to stage "Completed" .. just as an example
I have tried creating a ir.cron job, and also tried to write the simple code into automated actions but none of its working
my plain code in automatic action, model is selected as task
for rec in model.search([]):
if rec.stage_id.id == '66' and rec.task_ids:
for task in rec.task_ids:
task['stage_id.id'] = '67'
I keep getting errors like the opperand is not supported etc .. same when trying to run my cron job.
I have tried defining the cron job like this
def _cron_change_task_stage(self):
for rec in self.env['project.task'].search([]):
if rec.stage_id == 'Refused' and rec.task_ids:
for task in rec.task_ids:
task['stage_id'] = 'Completed'
Any ideas please ?