I would like to send an email automatically when status of sales order is changed as done.
I would like to ask the clients to live a note about the shop. Where can i do it?
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I would like to send an email automatically when status of sales order is changed as done.
I would like to ask the clients to live a note about the shop. Where can i do it?
Hi S Z Ymon,
You have to customize the code for that:
You have to create cron / Action for that, it will automatically send email with your particular template.
PY file in your method:
Def auto_mail_send (self):
Tmpl_obj = self.pool.get ('email.template')
Tmpl_ids = tmpl_obj.search (cr, uid, [('name', '=', 'My E-mail Template'
If tmpl_ids:
Tmpl_obj.write (cr, uid, tmpl_ids [0], {'email_to': email_to}, context = context)
Self.pool.get ('email.template'). Send_mail (cr, uid, tmpl_ids [0], obj.id)
Return {}
This method should be called from the xml:
<Record id = "action_send_mail_on_partner_creation" model = "ir.actions.server">
<Field name = "name"> Automatic Email Send action </ field>
<Field name = "model_id" ref = "base.model_sale_order" />
<Field name = "type"> ir.actions.server </ field>
<Field name = "state"> code </ field>
<Field name = "code"> self.auto_mail_send () </ field>
</ Record>
And you will have this kind of email template:
<Record id = "email_template_for_notification" model = "email.template">
<Field name = "name"> My E-mail Template </ field>
<Field name = "email_from"> $ {object.user_id.email or object.company_id.email or 'noreply @ localhost' | Safe} </ field>
<Field name = "subject"> Sale Order State Changed </ field>
<Field name = "model_id" ref = "base.model_sale_order" />
<Field name = "auto_delete" eval = "True" />
<Field name = "body_html"> <! [CDATA [
<Div> <p> <strong> Hello, </ strong> </ p>
<P> Sale order state changed $ {object.state} </ p>
<p> T Hanks < / p>
</ Div>
</ Field>
</ record >
H Ope this will help you.
Thank You.
who ever put this code here must be dumb in syntax
Hi, is that code is avaible in 2019 ?
I want to make the same in odoo10 on sale order module
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