I have setup 4 currencies that I need with EUR being the company base.
I wanted to setup automatic currency rates so followed https://www.odoo.com/documentation/user/9.0/accounting/others/multicurrencies/how_it_works.html
but the ability to setup Live Currency Rates as explained in the document is missing from Odoo 10, even the latest update.
Has anyone managed to resolve this?
Also even though I have set manual values nothing seems to happen on product pages etc I only seem to get Euros
For Dhaval
Thanks for the reply, but this just does not happen. I get as far as a label saying Rate Difference Journal and attached is a drop down list with 3 options. I have tried all 3 and returned to Exchange Difference (EUR) but nothing else shows such as Live Currency. So I can select anymore options.
I am using Odoo 10 Community, but find there are an incredible amount of missing or half coded features compared with what the documentation says. I wonder if I should start again with Odoo 9 which appears to have a bigger user base and be more stable?
This is an Enterprise Edition feature. A Community Edition module has been written to add this feature, find it at https://www.odoo.com/apps/modules/10.0/currency_rate_update/
Hi Ray,
Have downloaded and will give it a try.
Thanks and kind regards,
Sent from my Xperia™ tablet
---- Ray Carnes wrote ----
This is an Enterprise Edition feature. A Community Edition module has been written to add this feature, find it at https://www.odoo.com/apps/modules/10.0/currency_rate_update/
Ray Carnes
Sent by Odoo Inc. using Odoo.