For a simplified example, we have a text string field named "job_status" in the following way.
1. When shipping is done, invoice not raised = "Shipped, Ready to Invoice"
2. When shipping is done, invoice has been created = "Shipped, Register Payment"
So, we want to do an automation to change the word "Ready to Invoice" to "Register Payment"
Currently, we've setup the domain to look for the exact phrase "Shipped, Ready to Invoice".
But, there are other sencarios we need a bit more flexiblity. We also have the following scenarios:
"EAT Confirmed, Ready for Invoice"
"Awaiting Dispatch, Ready for Invoice"
Could we make an automation only look for part of the phrase "Ready to Invoice" within a phrase, and replace part of the pharse "Ready to Invoice" to "Register Payment", and leave the other part unchanged?