Hi Friends,
I succesfully added a field named as "Invoicing Address" to account.invoice form. Now when i try to create a direct invoice from Accounting/Customer Invoices, i can select an invoice address from res.partner dropdown list . As you can understand , my custom field is related with res.partner so i can choose one of partners as invoice address. As we know, we can assign invoice addresses to companies in Sales/Customers menu. So, basically what i need to do is that if the company has such an assigned invoicing address , automatically load it into my "invoicing address" field. I tried context parameters on custom field.
<field name="address_invoicing_id" groups="sale.group_delivery_invoice_address"
options='{"always_reload": True}' context="{'default_type':'invoice', 'show_address': 1}"/>
But it seemed not working. So any other suggestions from you? I would be appreciating that much. Thank you in advance.