How to automatically generate an email when sale order is confirmed?
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If your are looking to generate email upon clicking the confirm button , just super the confirm and add the code for sending the email.
class SaleOrder(models.Model):
_inherit = 'sale.order'
def action_confirm(self, val):
res = super(SaleOrder, self).action_confirm()
# here add the code for sending emails
return res
@Niyas raphy thankyou somuch for your answer. i have done the same but getting an error as TypeError: action_button_confirm() got multiple values for keyword argument 'context'
and this is my code
def action_button_confirm(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
assert len(ids) == 1, 'This option should only be used for a single id at a time.'
self.signal_workflow(cr, uid, ids, 'order_confirm')
res = super(sale_order, self).action_button_confirm(cr, uid,ids, [('od_method', '=', 'service'),('state', 'in', 'manual')], context=context)
template_ids = self.pool['email.template'].search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', 'RSO service sale order confirmed mail')], context=context)
template_id = template_ids and template_ids[0] or False
print "template idd.......................>>>>>",template_id
self.pool['email.template'].send_mail(cr, uid, template_id, new_id, force_send=True, context=context)
return res
Most of the time we need to send an email after successfully completion of some tasks or event. To day I will show you how to send an email in odoo using button click. def proposal_title_approved(self): template_obj = self.env['email.template'].sudo().search([('name','=','Create Section for Thesis')], limit=1) body = template_obj.body_html body=body.replace('--department--', body=body.replace('--session--', body=body.replace('--supervisor--', body=body.replace('--rollno--',self.student_id.roll_no) body=body.replace('--caseno--',self.case_no) body=body.replace('--campus--', if template_obj: mail_values = { 'subject': template_obj.subject, 'body_html': body, 'email_to':';'.join(map(lambda x: x, receipt_list)), 'email_cc':';'.join(map(lambda x: x, email_cc)), 'email_from': template_obj.email_from, } create_and_send_email = self.env['mail.mail'].create(mail_values).send()
Shaffaf R S: To send an email in odoo first of all we need create email template. We can create this email template using following two ways.
1- By using odoo Template Menu Interface
2- By using xml (code)
Get more detailed with code and description about Auto Generation of email [on button click]:
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Hey Shaffaf R S,
You can use/create automated action feature available in Odoo.
Settings > Technical > Automation > Automated Actions > Create one as per your need. By selecting
1) 'Model' > Quotation (Sale order),
2) Action to do > Send Email or Python Code (If you want custom method),
3) Select Email template here if Action to do = Send Email.
4) You can specify Trigger condition as well (e.g On Update )
Hope this will help you.