I have a custom module with user group: Sample - User and Manager. My module have two main menus - in Accounting and Portal.
Accounting Menu
- SubMenu1
- SubMenu2
- SubMenu3
- SubMenu1
- SubMenu2
Billing user group can access all custom menus in the Accounting menu. Manager can access those menus thru Portal menu only. But whenever I access SubMenu2 as Manager in Portal menu, Odoo shows AssertionError: External ID must be fully qualified. But when I try a different user with Billing and Manager user group, there's no error, only the Manager user group.
sample1.xml<record id="sample1_action" model="ir.actions.act_window">
<field name="name">Sample</field>
<field name="res_model">sample.model</field>
<field name="view_type">form</field>
<field name="view_mode">tree,form</field>
sample2.xml (for portal menu)<menuitem id="my_sample_portal_menu" parent="sample_portal_main_menu" name="SubMenu2" groups="my_module.group_sample_manager" sequence="40" action="my_module.sample1_action"/>
As per checking, the system only pass the group_sample_manager without the module name that's why the error occurs. I already tried using different menu, but only the SubMenu2 has an error. What is the possible cause here?