I would like to custom List view padding in my custom module, so i proceeded like follows :
my_custom_module.js :
odoo.define('my_custom_module', function(require){
'use strict';
var core = require('web.core');
var List = core.view_registry.get('list');
var QWeb = core.qweb;
render: function () {
var self = this;
QWeb.render('ListView.rows', _.extend({}, this, {
render_cell: function () {
return self.render_cell.apply(self, arguments); }
And in my XML :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<template id="assets_backend" name="my_custom_module assets" inherit_id="web.assets_backend">
<xpath expr="." position="inside">
<script src="/my_custom_module/static/src/js/my_custom_module.js" type="text/javascript" />
But problem is that this applies to all my Odoo modules !
How can i specify that the customization applies only to my my_custom_module ?
Thanks for help :)