Hi !
I have write the an @api.onchange method in some Float field and the @api.onchange is calculation is working fine.
The problem is that when I click on save the system doesn't pick up the change and it all Float fields append to zero.
Does anybody knows how to do write() function of the model for @api.onchange function?
Below,i have mentioned the code
Thank you !
class LabTest(models.Model):
_name = 'lab.test.line'
line_id = fields.Many2one('quality.alert', string='perameter type')
labtest_type_id=fields.Many2one('labtest.type', string='Test Name')
sample_value_per = fields.Float(string='Sample Value in Percentage')
sample_value = fields.Float(string='Input Sample Value')
def onchange_value(self):
for line in self:
if line.labtest_type_id and line.labtest_type_id.code == 'ip' and line.sample_value:
line.sample_value_per = float(line.sample_value/line.sample_value) * 100
elif line.labtest_type_id and line.labtest_type_id.code == 'pp':
ip_value = 1
lp_lines = line.line_id.labtest_type_line.filtered(lambda r: r.labtest_type_id.code == 'ip')
for ipln in lp_lines:
ip_value = ipln.sample_value
line.sample_value_per = float(line.sample_value/ip_value) * 100
elif line.labtest_type_id and line.labtest_type_id.code == 'ss':
ip_value = 1
lp_lines = line.line_id.labtest_type_line.filtered(lambda r: r.labtest_type_id.code == 'ip')
for ipln in lp_lines:
ip_value = ipln.sample_value
line.sample_value_per = float(line.sample_value/ip_value) * 100
I think else loop is missing in your condition and can you update your code after added else condition?
Thanks for your answer Manish, But no need else condition