I want to assign tasks to users but don't want to make them followers of the respective project.
They still should be able to change the task stage and progress icon (grey, red, green button) using the form view.
How can I do that?
Currently I get this error:
(Document type: Project, Operation: read) - (Records: [6], User: 8)
May I know why you don't want to make them followers of that project, is it because of they can see all the project details and other followers tasks etc? or anything else?
Yes that is basically it. We have many project participants and I don't want them to be able to 'see' the whole project and all the steps.
I found a different approach in a stackoverflow post: "Tasks should show up only if the user has been assigned it" using record rules. Still tinkering with it to make it work.
object/model: project.task
name: See own tasks only
domain: ['|',('user_id','=',False),('user_id','=',user.id)]
(means: your own tasks and unassigned ones)
apply for read: [x]
apply for write: [x]
apply for create: [x]
apply for delete: [x]
groups: Project / User
Still trying to make it work, though.
Thank you to the original poster.