Hi ,I created a lot of fields in model.py for inherit but i hadn't got any model in database after inherit from openeducat admission, I depend app from Technical Name and inherit from exiting models but after restart and update there is no models in database.Please ,Help me and Give me some advices . Thank you.. Models and Openerp.py are below..
from openerp import models, fields
class st_admission(models.Model):
_inherit = 'op.admission.register'
sex = fields.Selection([('male','Male'),('female','Female')], 'Sex', required=True),
current_age = fields.Integer('Current Age'),
prf_name = fields.Char('Preferred Name'),
birthday = fields.Date('Date of Birth'),
anti_enroll_date = fields.Date('Anticipated Enrollment Date'),
last_grade = fields.Char('Last Grade Completed'),
anti_grade_enter = fields.Char('Anticipated Grade To Enter'),
passort = fields.Char('Passort #', help='If a child has dual citizenship, provide additional passport information'),
country = fields.Char('Country for Passport'),
exp_date = fields.Date('Expiration Date for Passport'),
nrc_no = fields.Char('NRC'),
type_visa = fields.Selection([('debit','Debit Card'),('credit','Credit Card')], 'Type of Visa Held', required=True),
religion = fields.Char('Religion'),
nationally = fields.Char('Nationally'),
is_myanmar = fields.Selection([('yes','YES'),('no','NO')], 'Myanmar_citizen?'),
home_language = fields.Char('Home Language'),
oth_language = fields.Char('Other Language'),
current_address = fields.Text('Current Residence Address'),
home_phone = fields.Integer('Home Phone', required=True),
home_fax = fields.Integer('Home Fax'),
email = fields.Char('Email', required=True),
emergency_phone = fields.Integer('Emergency Contant Phone', required=True),
__openerp__.py files
'name': 'Advance for addmissions',
'version': '1.0',
'description': 'Add more information for Addmissions.',
'author': 'Hannay Oo',
'depends': ['openeducat_admission'],
'data': [
'application': True,
'installable': True,
So you are saying that the module is not seen in the apps list ? Did you placed the module in addons path itself ? If not aware of addons path, see this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1ENvtgmD74
Once module is places in addons path, restart the odoo service and click Update App list menu after activating the debug mode.
Check these odoo customization tips: https://goo.gl/8HgnCF