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Hi ,I created a lot of fields in for inherit but i hadn't got any model in database after inherit from openeducat admission, I depend app from Technical Name and inherit from exiting models but after restart and update there is no models  in database.Please ,Help me  and Give me some advices . Thank you.. Models and are below..

from openerp import models, fields

class st_admission(models.Model):

_inherit = 'op.admission.register'

sex = fields.Selection([('male','Male'),('female','Female')], 'Sex', required=True),

current_age = fields.Integer('Current Age'),

prf_name = fields.Char('Preferred Name'),

birthday = fields.Date('Date of Birth'),

anti_enroll_date = fields.Date('Anticipated Enrollment Date'),

last_grade = fields.Char('Last Grade Completed'),

anti_grade_enter = fields.Char('Anticipated Grade To Enter'),

passort = fields.Char('Passort #', help='If a child has dual citizenship, provide additional passport information'),

country = fields.Char('Country for Passport'),

exp_date = fields.Date('Expiration Date for Passport'),

nrc_no = fields.Char('NRC'),

type_visa = fields.Selection([('debit','Debit Card'),('credit','Credit Card')], 'Type of Visa Held', required=True),

religion = fields.Char('Religion'),

nationally = fields.Char('Nationally'),

is_myanmar = fields.Selection([('yes','YES'),('no','NO')], 'Myanmar_citizen?'),

home_language = fields.Char('Home Language'),

oth_language = fields.Char('Other Language'),

current_address = fields.Text('Current Residence Address'),

home_phone = fields.Integer('Home Phone', required=True),

home_fax = fields.Integer('Home Fax'),

email = fields.Char('Email', required=True),

emergency_phone = fields.Integer('Emergency  Contant Phone', required=True), files

    'name': 'Advance for addmissions', 

    'version': '1.0',

    'description': 'Add more information for Addmissions.',

    'author': 'Hannay Oo', 

    'depends': ['openeducat_admission'], 

    'data': [



    'application': True,

    'installable': True, 



Sir , I put it all the step i need but ther is no model show up .Can i use openerp in odoo11? Is it the problem? Sir please help me.

On Fri, 6 Mar 2020, 12:51 pm Niyas Raphy, <> wrote:

A new question AFter inherit ,Missing Models in odoo11 on Help has been posted. Click here to access the question :

See question

Sent by Odoo S.A. using Odoo.

So you are saying that the module is not seen in the apps list ? Did you placed the module in addons path itself ? If not aware of addons path, see this:

Once module is places in addons path, restart the odoo service and click Update App list menu after activating the debug mode.


Sir, i did addons path and i am on developer mode.I've already  installed my app and updated but i cant find model in database what i just create in file.Please Give me some advice.Thank you

On Fri, 6 Mar 2020, 1:14 pm Niyas Raphy, <> wrote:

So you are saying that the module is not seen in the apps list ? Did you placed the module in addons path itself ? If not aware of addons path, see this:

Once module is places in addons path, restart the odoo service and click Update App list menu after activating the debug mode.


Sent by Odoo S.A. using Odoo.

Check these odoo customization tips:

Best Answer


Did you imported the newly created python file inside the file ? Create a file named file and import the file like this,

from . import models

See this:

