Hi everybody,
I am using the "percentage" mode to do my invoice from my sale order.
Right now I have this:
Sale order price withouth VAT = 1 000 euros. Tax = 210 euros. Total = 12100 euros
With percentage I have for my first Invoice:
Total: 6050 euros , Tax = 0 euros, Withouth VAT =6050 euros
The second Invoice
Total : 6050 euros, Tax = 1210 euros, Without VAT =4840
Is it possible to have the VAT not just on the last one but on the first one too?
So to have for both:
TOTAL: 6050 VAT = 1050, Without VAT = 5000
I suppose that for it I will have to modify the file sale_make_invoice_advance.py
I will have to change this line ( in order take the unit price without VAT)
inv_amount = sale.amount_total * wizard.amount / 100
inv_amount_untaxed = sale.amount_untaxed* wizard.amount / 100
However how can I get the Tax? The code is bellow
if wizard.advance_payment_method == 'percentage':
inv_amount = sale.amount_total * wizard.amount / 100
if not res.get('name'):
res['name'] = _("Advance of %s %%") % (wizard.amount)
inv_amount = wizard.amount
if not res.get('name'):
#TODO: should find a way to call formatLang() from rml_parse
symbol = sale.pricelist_id.currency_id.symbol
if sale.pricelist_id.currency_id.position == 'after':
res['name'] = _("Advance of %s %s") % (inv_amount, symbol)
res['name'] = _("Advance of %s %s") % (symbol, inv_amount)
# determine taxes
if res.get('invoice_line_tax_id'):
res['invoice_line_tax_id'] = [(6, 0, res.get('invoice_line_tax_id'))]
res['invoice_line_tax_id'] = False
Many thanks for your help and yuor time,
A little up for the hope :-).
Thank you!