Hi guys, I've been trying new odoo12, and everything seems fine and nice to me.
While trying it out, I was following tutorial for building up modules. eg Openacademy.
I have created those basic models, and views for them, added them to the __manifest__.py file and double checked their paths.
In my openacademy.xml file i have a line that says:
<menuitem id="main_openacademy_menu" name="Open Academy" sequence="75" groups="base.group_user"/>
his should be enough for the menu item to appear in main menu, but it does not. After this I added to dependencies 'hr' module, and run update.It installed the hr module, and 'Employee' menu item appeared in main menu...
I also tried adding it with (in order to follow naming convention I found in predefined modules/apps):
<menuitem id="menu_openacademy_root" name="Open Academy" sequence="75" groups="base.group_user"/>
I checked in postgresql, my models are properly created in the database
Odoo12 recognizes views I have declared in my "views/" directory. I can find them in Settings->Technical->User Interface -> Menu Items.
Does anyone else have similar experience with new Odoo12?
How to create Action Menu in Odoo
Reference: https://goo.gl/UnHzS8