I'm wondering how can I display "barcode" field for each invoice line in PDF report in Odoo12 CE?
Any help highly appreciated!
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I'm wondering how can I display "barcode" field for each invoice line in PDF report in Odoo12 CE?
Any help highly appreciated!
After adding a column in the invoice lines, try the below code in the report template
<t t-foreach="request.env['product.template'].search([('id', '=', line.product_id.product_tmpl_id)])" t-as="obj">
<t t-if="obj['barcode']">
<p t-esc="obj['barcode']"/>
You can get an example from addons --> product -->report -->product barcode printing.there is an example for product barcode printing.make use of it. or just refer this https://www.odoo.com/apps/modules/11.0/account_report_invoice_barcode/
hope this helps
<img t-att-src="'/report/barcode/?type=%s&value=%s&width=%s&height=%s' % ('Code128', o.name, 600, 100)" style="width:300px;height:50px"/>
Excuse me, I should have been more precise: I would like to print just the product barcode numerical value (the 13-character number entered in each product details in my case) without any extra images in each invoice line, the same way quantity, price and other fields are displayed on the invoice report.
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