Is it possible to add worked_days and worked_hours below the date.from and line in payslip report?
I have tried to modify the payslip_report under settings/technical/userinterface/views/, but I'm honestly not really knowledgeable at writing code.
So, I just thought I could add this piece of code at line 45 of said payslip_report:
"<tr t-foreach="get_payslip_lines(o.worked_days_line_ids)" t-as="q">
<td><strong>Worked days</strong></td>
<td><span t-field="q.number_of_days"/></td>
But when I try to print the payslip, I get an error with the following message at the bottom:
QWebException: "'hr.payslip.worked_days' object has no attribute 'appears_on_payslip'" while evaluating
Can any one provide some insight into what I'm trying to accomplish?