I'm using Odoo 9.0.
I'm trying to add the payment paid for the printable invoice PDF file (e.g. Selecting an invoice, then print --> duplicate/print).
I want it to be between "Subtotal" and "Total".
I see there's a field called 'payments_widget' of type 'text' and widget=payment in account.invoice model, but if I add this:
<span t-field="o.payments_widget" t-field-options="{"widget": "payment"}"/>
I get this:
{"content": [{"digits": [69, 2], "currency": "$", "amount": -820.15, "name": "Customer Payment: INV/2018/1929", "date": "2018-05-17", "position": "before", "ref": "SO12680", "payment_id": 339657, "move_id": 108950, "journal_name": "Stripe Payment"}], "outstanding": false, "title": "Minus Payment"}
Can someone please advise how to get the actual fields in it like they are in the invoice?
Thanks bro, it worked