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Hi all,

Is there a "quick" way to add serial numbers to existing inventory. When the system was commissioned stock was take on without serial numbers just quantities to get things going and now we want to add serial numbers.

I have read the following suggestions:

  •  Export inventory and add serial numbers in a spread sheet and then re-import. (I can't find any export functionality for inventory)

  • Add an inventory adjustment and add serial numbers that way. (This seems very tedious and prone to double counting as existing stock levels seem to keep on sneaking back in even when you add the serial number and avoid adding the existing stock levels.)

I can enable serial numbers/lots on the product and then go to the serial number tab and start capturing serial numbers but these end up with a quantity of 0. How can I link them to existing inventory?



I have been trying to figure this out as well. Any luck the past few years?

Best Answer

1-Enable "Serial number" in the product form

2-Go to Inventory > Operations > Inventory Adjustments and start a new inventory.

3-For each product, you need to replicate the same number of line as the original quantity and set the real quantity to 1 for each line   and add (or create) the serial number

For exemple, if the theoritical quantity is 7, you create 7 new line for that product and location with real quantity=1.

4-Set the original line real quantity to zero (because you will double quantity)

5-Validate the inventory

If you want to do this through Excel, you could follow the same method, but after you have created and start your inventory (inventory in progress), you can go back to "Inventory adjustments" view, select the checkbox beside your current inventory and click Action > Export.

You can apply the same rules (point 3 and 4)

After, you need to Import the new inventory, Start it, and validate it...

A third way, could be also to use "Fake" internal transfert operation.

You need to make sure that "Create New Lots/Serial Numbers" and "Show Detailed Operations" are checked in Inventory >Configuration > Operations Types

After that you can create an "Immediate Transfer" (Internal transfers)

You have to use the same "From" and "To" location if you dont want to move your product.

You set (or create) the serial number and set the quantity "Done" to 1

You repeat the same settings by adding new line for each product and you validate...


I use Inventory Adjustments but when I tried to add in a different serial number for each line i get eror message as such :The combination of serial number and product must be unique across a company.
Following combination contains duplicates:
- Product: [141gb 15k hdd 4328-072 in expansion unit SN571408] OB21000 SCSI Hard disk - HUS 151414VL3800 SN1408, Serial Number: JAXOH7IK

Thank you Simon for the insight, the "Fake" internal transfer operation works for me. Also, if there's a lot of SN, maybe people could consider using import

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